
Question to ponder

Last week I attended an event as a guest and was pleasantly surprised when the banquet manager asked the table how our dinners were and if the tenderloin was cooked the way each of liked it. It suddenly occured to me that this is the first time I've ever experienced the check-in at an event but it (almost) always happens when dining in a restaurant.

So, here is my question... why doesnt the banquet server ask if the guests are satisfied with the meal put before them? The guest may not be leaving a tip, however they have a powerful voice when sharing a positive or more importantly a negative review. Why doesn't the caterer require the service staff to ask how everyone is? Why do they wait for a guest to "complain" to them?

Maybe the real question is when did we start being okay with a banquet meal being mediocre. How many times have we heard "you don't go to the event for the food." That should be one reason why you go.

I'm not saying every event/banquet dining experience is mediocre but I think the attending public has lowered their expectations. We expect so much more from a restaurant. I pledge that we will require caterers and banquet venues to instruct their staff to inquire about guest meal satisfaction and to care about it and respond accordingly.

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