
Live Free or Die

As the 4th of July weekend approaches keep in mind how fortunate we are to be Americans. I have the freedom to post this blog, send a tweet, or comment on my linked-in and facebook pages without threat of retaliation for my opinions and thoughts. The people of Iran, Iraq, and Afghanistan and other repressionist nations do not have these luxuries, which is why we need to speak out against the injustice.

So celebrate this weekend with stars and stripes. Hang your flag with pride. Serve that strawberry, blueberry, and cool-whip dessert with fanfare. And clap louder and longer as you watch our American military personnel march by at your local 4th of July parade. These men and women put themselves in harms way to protect our freedom and safety and give the hope of freedom to those who live without it.

Happy 4th of July!

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