
A Designer's Moral Obligation

The Events Company provides event design and decor services for our clients. Not all clients hire us to fulfill all their decor needs and we find ourselves in situations where some of the decor elements (not provided by us) are much to be desired.

This past weekend I found myself in such a situation. A client rented linens and chaircovers from us for her wedding. Great color story: burgundy with apple green, which looked awesome with the floral arrangments (sorry, no photo we forgot the camera).

Anyway, I brought sample linens from our showroom in the bride's colors so that I could dress the cake table. An added bonus the client didn't ask for but it's our mantra to give 'em more than they expect.

Back to my story... the venue set up a small backdrop behind the sweetheart table, which is to hide a service door. This was the "ugly Betty" of all backdrops and I could not leave until I had a solution to making it look better. I got the venue to access their a/v store room for a couple of par cans with gels. It made a tremendous difference and I could leave knowing that the I had fulfilled my moral obligation as a designer.

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