
What are we becoming?

I’m a social person and like face to face interaction. I like to meet new people, I like meeting with our clients, and spending an evening with family and friends is a great night. I like to try on clothes before I buy them, I like going to the movie theater, and if I’m going to plant something I want to physically put it into the soil.

I’ve embraced social media and use it to market my business. But when I see young people (if you’re under 30 I consider you a young person) texting even as they sit next to each other, when I am offered a gift of a fruit tree on Facebook, and when I see video games where you score points for killing someone and then kicking their dead body I question if we are becoming society that can’t communicate on a personal level, lacks the ability to feel compassion, is losing the desire to make deep connections.

But then you watch a Utube video like this one from the Antwerp Train Station http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7EYAUazLI9k and realize that we are becoming a society that wants to be connected to a community larger than the one we live in. We want to make a difference and change our world by doing our part, which may be small for each individual but the sum of the whole can be powerful. We want to inspire and bring hope and happiness to all of mankind.

The lesson this video taught me? We aren’t drifting apart but becoming a part of something bigger than we could ever have imagined. Could this lead to world peace? Now, that would be something.

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